Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Do you send Christmas cards? If so about how many will you send this year? How do you display the cards you receive? Or don’t you? (gasp!)
Yes, I always send Christmas cards! I will probably send/give out around 40 this year. And receive about 5! Maybe a few more since my friends in Korea seem to be a little more thoughtful than the ones at home. I will display them on my corkboard probably. They will definitely be displayed!

2. When do kids become adults?
Depends on the kid. Sometimes never.

3. Does your ‘beauty regimen’ change with the seasons?
Not really but I find myself more heavily moisturizing my face/hands and less frequently shaving my legs in winter. 🙂

4. What’s something you like to eat that might cause another person to turn up their nose?
Daniel turns up his nose at sour cream, which I love. I make what I call “redneck pasta” for myself sometimes… tri-colored rotini, shredded cheese, canned peas, and ranch. LOL.

5. Gloves or mittens?
Gloves because you can still kind of use your fingers! But I might buy some mittens this year just because I have seen some really cute ones.

6. What’s the longest queue you’ve ever been in? Was it worth it? Queue=line but doesn’t queue sound nicer?
I’m not sure. Maybe at an amusement park? But I am not very patient in that aspect so I probably haven’t waited in a line for too long. I don’t like the word queue actually; I hate it when Americans use British words.

7. Besides Christmas, what is one thing you are looking forward to in the month of December?
Singapore and Bali!!!

8. Insert your own random thought here.
I can’t wait for first half of the Sons of Anarchy season finale tonight!!

The original post can be found here.

-Jen Pace

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One response to “Wednesday Hodgepodge

  1. How could anyone dislike sour cream? The stuff is little dollops of heaven. :O)

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